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The NTUC CTC Grant – FAQs And What You Should Know


You may decide that the time is ripe to undertake a business transformation in your organisation to optimise and streamline your processes, and drive efficiency across the board. However, the question of how to fund such an effort is another matter altogether.

To help businesses like yours with that, the National Trade and Union Congress (NTUC) recently introduced the Company Training Committee (CTC) Grant, a S$70 million grant managed by the Employment and Employability Institute (e2i), a tripartite initiative of NTUC together with the Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF) and the Singapore Labour Foundation (SLF).


We've Compiled A Guide To Government Grants That Can Fund Your Business's Digital Transformation. Click Here To Find Out More.


Let’s dive into the details of the CTC Grant, and answer some of the frequently asked questions (FAQs) you might have about it.


What Is The NTUC CTC Grant?

The CTC Grant is intended to support businesses that have formed a Company Training Committee with NTUC to implement the following:

  • Enterprise Transformation which enhances business capabilities, innovation and/or productivity. This can include implementation projects for business software intended to achieve this outcome, such as for an ERP software.
  • Workforce Transformation which brings better career prospects and wages for local employees (Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents) through efforts such as job redesign. The applicant must achieve one of the following outcomes:
    • Wage increments for employees, and/or
    • The implementation of a Career Development Plan (CDP) that has been communicated to employees.



What Is A Career Development Plan (CDP)?

It is a structured progression pathway in terms of Job roles, skills, and wages. Candidates for the CDP will undergo predetermined training to pick up new skillsets directly relevant to their job role.

This will help them receive numeration calibrated based on their skill levels and new job roles, while improving their productivity for the benefit of employers like yourself.


Can I Apply For The CTC Grant?

To be eligible for the CTC Grant, your business must be legally registered or incorporated in Singapore. Eligible organisations are as follows:

  • Companies
  • Societies
  • Non-profit organisations (NPOs) such as charities and social service agencies (SSAs)
  • Restructured hospitals
  • Autonomous Universities (AUs)
  • Social enterprises

The following types of organisations are not eligible for the CTC Grant:

  • Government bodies
  • Statutory boards
  • Organs of State
  • Wholly-owned subsidiaries of Government


How Much Funding Will I Receive?

If your application for the CTC Grant is successful, you can expect to see funding support of up to 70% for your project. Your project will be funded by the Grant according to the following criteria:

  • The strength of the project from a business transformation perspective.
  • The cost of the project from worker outcomes perspective (i.e. you must commit a minimum number of local workers that will be impacted by the project, and meet at least that minimum stated in the Letter of Award (LOA) for claim disbursement).

Items in your project which can be supported by the Grant include the following:

  • Implementation of business equipment or software, such as an ERP software
  • Consultancy services
  • Training in OEM or business software to support job redesign


How Do I Apply For The CTC Grant?

The CTC Grant has been open for applications since 1 August 2022, and this will continue until the end of the application period on 31 July 2026.

As indicated by its name, your business must also have formed a Company Training Committee with NTUC in order to qualify for the CTC Grant.

To form a CTC, you’d need to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on behalf of your business. Then, you’d need to set up a committee which comprises the following nominated representatives:

  • Senior management representative
  • Company worker representative
  • NTUC representative.

Depending on the type of CTC you establish for your business, you’ll need different individuals to serve as your worker and NTUC representatives. Refer to the table below:

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Then, you’d need to develop a business transformation plan, and demonstrate how the plan will lead to better worker and enterprise outcomes for your business. You should then discuss and validate your plan with the members of your CTC.

After that, before you submit your project application, it’s recommended that you engage e2i to review it first. All new applications are to be submitted through the e2i Grant Portal.

If your business is unionised or has partnered with U SME, you should engage your union or U SME representative for more information on how to form your CTC. However, if your business is non-unionised, you should reach out to e2i at One of their officers will liaise with you, and advise you on what you should do next.


How Do I Submit A Claim?

After you’ve implemented your approved project and achieved your committed outcomes, you should submit your claim within 4 weeks from the End Date specified in your LOA.

You must then fill out and submit the NTUC CTC Grant Claim Form and Outcome Report to Once your claim is approved, you will be notified through email.


Achieve Better Enterprise And Worker Outcomes With The CTC Grant

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If you’re planning a transformation project that’s intended to optimise the outcomes for both your business and your employees alike, you can consider applying for the CTC Grant to help fund your project.

It will involve some initial work to establish a CTC for your business, and to draw up a transformation plan that will pass muster. But once your submission has been approved and your project implemented, you stand to gain funding up to 70% of your total project costs.

Otherwise, if for some reason the CTC Grant isn’t the right choice to fund your transformation project, do refer to our guide to government grants that are available for businesses in Singapore like yours for alternative options.

To download our guide, click on the image below!


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