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NetSuite Release 2019.1: What To Expect

Written by Simon Soh | 06-Mar-2019 03:33:00

To all appearances, NetSuite Release 2019.1 might come across as a routine upgrade. But it does more than simply fine-tuning back-end systems.

What this release brings is a series of product improvements in sync with customer feedback – changes that don’t rock the boat.

Release 2019.1 will be rolled out in phases, starting immediately. If you’re already using NetSuite, it’ll likely be deployed on your end – as for most users – come April.

That said, you can get an exact date through the New Release portlet (read: widget), so you and your team will’ve ample time to prepare.

Without further ado, we’ll take you through four highlights from the release notes.


4 Highlights From NetSuite Release 2019.1


1. Refined User Interface

The refined KPI Meter takes on a sleek, modern, and most importantly readable new look. Source: NetSuite

The refreshed dashboard looks more visually appealing than ever. But general changes aside, Release 2019.1 also enhances the way key performance indicator (KPI) portlets work:

  • Quickly add KPI portlets to your dashboard.
  • KPI headline portlets will now display trend graphs, so you’ll get a quick overview of the full picture.
  • KPI Meter portlet facelifted to improve readability, making it easer to get the information you need – at a glance.
  • Compare up to three trends on a single graph with the refreshed Trend Graphs portlet.


Get a quick glance of what you need to know with the KPI Headline portlet. Just like how you might keep abreast of current affairs by scanning news headlines. Source: NetSuite Release Notes



2. Tightened Security Measures

NetSuite takes care of Cloud security for you, so you can focus on growing your business. Source: NetSuite

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are most vulnerable to cyberattacks - so NetSuite's tightened security controls are a welcome move  for any business seeking to put up a robust defence.

  • Two-factor authentication (2FA) is now mandatory for all roles with high privileges (e.g. Administrator and above)
    • All temporary exemptions from 2018.2 will’ve expired with 2019.1.
  • 2FA will also be mandatory for all integrations.
  • Full Access role to be deprecated beginning with this release, perhaps to be retired fully by 2019.2 release.
    • Opportune time for IT administrators to review security policies and access rights.
    • Core Administration role retains many of the Full Access role’s access rights.


3. New Accounting and Finance Features

NetSuite accounts receivable (A/R) view with ageing reports and cash projections. Source: NetSuite


  • New to NetSuite: set up instalment billings.
  • Accounts receivable (A/R) ageing report will accurately reflect the due date of each instalment, as opposed to the full sum’s due date.
    • Good if you’ve trusted clients who prefer to pay in instalments.
  • Choose whether to assign audit numbers to zero-amount transactions on your general ledger (G/L).
    • Zero-amount transactions include cancelled bills, voided transactions, and fulfilments for zero-amount items.
    • Useful if you need to assign audit numbers to all G/L entries for compliance purposes.
  • Use SuiteFlow workflows for vendor payment approvals for improved transparency and added flexibility.


The NetSuite general ledger (G/L). Source: NetSuite



4. Optimised Manufacturing and Inventory Management Work Processes

The new Item Records Communications tab allows you to attach instructions, get reminders for tasks, and collaborate paperlessly. Source: NetSuite Release Notes


  • Legacy Bills of Materials (BOMs) created through the advanced BOM feature are now editable.
  • Import new BOMs or revise existing ones in CSV format.
  • Choose whether to allow inventory transactions to be dated outside the correct posting period.
  • New Communications tab under Manufacturing Item record facilitates easier, paperless collaboration.
    • Create and log events, tasks, and calls.
    • Share instructions for doing an activity.
    • Get reminders on next steps to take.


NetSuite’s 2019.1 Update

NetSuite 2019.1 isn’t a radical upgrade per se.

Instead, think of it as fine-tuning and expanding the capabilities of a leading Cloud enterprise resource planning (ERP) system – setting the stage for more radical changes.

Already running NetSuite and have some questions? Give our NetSuite helpdesk a ring at +65 6412 7957 or send us an email at

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